Angelo Mandato creates with

Amazon Web Services

Helping the community develop solutions using the most powerful cloud platform.

AWS Community User Group Leader

Lead organizer of the Columbus, Ohio AWS User Group meetup.

AWS Midwest Community Day Organizer

Organizer and volunteer for the annual AWS Midwest Community Day conference.

AWS Community Builder

Create technical content and share knowledge with the Ohio and vicinity AWS Community.

Cloud Entrepreneur Podcast

Documenting the development of a SaaS startup: Logging Magic.

Angelo's AWS Blog

AWS Certifications

AWS Software Architect - Associate Certification

AWS Software Architect - Associate Certification

AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

AWS Experience

Angelo started using Amazon Web Services’ Simple Storage Service (S3) in 2007 to store and host podcast media files for his podcast hosting startup. In 2009 he migrated the company’s core podcasting website to AWS to cost effectively scale the business. The move lead to an 80% savings with the capacity to easily handle 10 times more traffic. Angelo proceeded to migrate other company systems to AWS including WordPress websites, a podcast network and directory platform, podcast statistics reporting system, advertising campaign management system, and a commerce billing system.

Over the years Angelo has developed applications specifically for hosting on AWS to utilize various services including EC2, AWS, RDS, Route53, API Gateway, S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB.

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