E-mail Injection
E-mail injection is caused when form fields entered by hackers who add unexpected lines of text to the from and/or
E-mail injection is caused when form fields entered by hackers who add unexpected lines of text to the from and/or
Ever wanted to know how much data is stored in a particular folder when browsing your computer? Use FolderSize: http://foldersize.sourceforge.net/
I have had my share of troubles with domain names registered with web hosting companies. Currently I am trying to
I do a lot of development on computers that use different smtp servers when in beta and production. I also
If you have found yourself developing a web site that requires printable reports, then you will love this blog entry.
I installed and played with the new IE7 beta 2 and I was impressed by some features they were able
I found another web hosting control panel for Linux: ISPConfig. ISPConfig has many features also found in RavenCore. It appears
I have been using the getid3 PHP library lately and I must say it is the most complete, if not
I have been putting Dreamweaver 8 through a lot this weekend. I found a neat section in the Preferences to
Web development is changing dramatically. The biggest change is with using style sheets. For the past few years, I have
I have made great progress on the web site. I hope to have the Links page working by the end
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