Seven days and counting!
I am marrying the greatest most wonderful woman in the world! The wedding plans are coming together and it is shaping up to be a great one.
Invitation Statistics
We made a web site for our guests to RSVP on-line. Roughly 1/2 of the guests attending used the on-line system. Roughly 37% mailed back invitations and the rest called us by phone. We also had many guests notify us with the on-line RSVP system that they were not coming. We had 8 guests decline to come on-line, 2 sent back an invitation, and 1 called. We had about 15% of the invitations that never replied.
Last Minute Things
We are finding it is a constant struggle to keep up with everything that needs to be done. Today I hope to purchase the last of the wedding gifts we will be giving the attendants (wedding party). Last Tuesday I ordered some disposable camera’s from SamsClub and they were finally shipped yesterday (Friday). We just ordered the aisle runner from a store in Chicago. Hopefully everything will be here before Friday. Nerves are starting to quiver!
For everyone who is coming, Heather and I can’t wait to see you!!