Where to find your user contributed images you’ve submitted to Amazon.com over the years

200px-Amazon.com-Logo.svgIf you’re not aware, last Summer (August 15th I believe) Amazon.com removed the “User Contributed Images” feature. If you’re like me and uploaded additional product images and wanted to find them for reference, you’re going to be searching for a very long time.

To find your uploaded images, go to amazon.com, sign-in, then navigate to your profile. (or try this link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/) Once you are viewing your profile, click the “images” tab just below the “Contributions” heading. When viewing with Google Chrome the larger size images do not load. Firefox seems to not have an issue.

What is available:

  • Tiny thumbnail image
  • Title / Caption
  • In-image notes

I think this is a real bummer as many of my product reviews reference the images. I’m now in the process of writing blog posts of these product reviews with the images.

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