I’ve moved the monthly updates on Project Trans Am to my Mods and Rods.tv blog and podcast.
My latest post covering everything I’ve done last August with photos is available here: http://www.modsandrods.tv/2013/04/04/project-trans-am-for-march-2013-insulation-completed-focusing-on-the-interior-and-wiring/
Outline of Accomplishments LAST MONTH
- Insulation Completed
- Carpet Installed
- Kick Panels, 1/4 Panels and Sill Plates installed
- Oil Pressure and Water Temperature Lines Installed
- Added a 4 Blade Fuse Block in Glove Box
- T-top Headliner Cut and Glued
Car is finally coming together! I should have the interior back together this April. If I can stay on schedule hopefully Fathers day weekend the Trans Am will be back on the road!