Lemmings computer game via web browser

When I saw this, I instantly had a nostalgic flash back! One of the few computer games I’ve ever played and enjoyed, Lemmings is a mind thinking game that everyone who calls themselves a nerd should play at least once in their life time. Now it’s available on the web! I am not exactly sure how it was converted, but the first 4 levels I played are identical to the original game.


I am not sure if this version of Lemmings is legit or if someone illegally hacked it and put it on their site. For those who are interested, you can buy a copy of the game for Windows by searching amazon.com or ebay for “Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings”.

One Response

  1. Oh man, thanks for this. I have some fond memories of this game too. I played it on the Super Nintendo years ago but it was nowhere near as good as the original point and click PC game.

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