I’ve been doing a variety of small home improvements over the past few months. Okay, you got me, I didn’t install the new dishwasher, but I did let the guy in!
Computer Desk Completed!
Back in November, I made my own computer desk from white laminated lumber from Home Depot. My original intent was to buy regular lumber with specific dimensions. When I arrived, the salesman showed me the laminated lumber, which had the benefit of having a finished edge, something I was worried about where the keyboard would be resting.
So, the story. I had measurements all figured out from a 4′ x 8′ sheet of 5/8″ lumber. The laminated wood was not sold in that size. The biggest size was 8′ x 30″, which is the pefect depth for the desk, but meant I would not have enough material on the sides. I made a decision to have the 8′ length cut into one 4′ long section and two 2′ long sections. I also purchased a 4′ x 10″ sheet to use as a vertical support for the top of the desk. I walked out the store spending less than $30. So I got home, put the desk together, and it looked great. (see photo)
Just like a little kid, I rushed the desk up the stairs, cleared a spot for it in the office and started setting up the computer. I got everything situated on the desk, fired up the computer, lined up the keyboard then came to the quickest realization that something was wrong. Yes, something was really wrong! I couldn’t place my feed under the desk, the table was so low my knee was pressinng against the table top! So I looked at my design work, and discovered that I originally planned on the sides of the desk being 30″, but now they were 24″ from my last minute change at the home improvement store.
So the first month, I lifted the desk up about 3″ with some blocks of wood, which was all it needed. A week went by, and finally one of the blocks popped out from under the desk and man did I have a bad day. First I went to both Home Depot and Lowes to see if I could find caster wheels or small desk legs to try to raise the desk up slightly. No such luck. Finally, the day ended with a trip to Bestbuy and an investment in a $80 computer desk.
So last week, I was at Home Depot picking up supplies for the kitty litter gate and guess what I found, caster wheels for the desk! I’ve installed the wheels and the home made desk now has a 29″ clearance for leg/knee room!
Kitchen Faucet
Heather and I picked out a new Kitchen faucet in February. It’s a Delta, made in U.S.A. and has a chrome finish. Our main goal was to find a nice looking one handle faucet.
It took a month before I finally made the time to install it. Installation was easy. The salesman did not tell me I should use a special silicone to seal the faucet against the sink. Hopefully I’ll get that taken care of this Easter weekend.
Kitty Litter Gate
This is sad to say, but our dog will get into our cat’s kitty litter box. We’ve come up with a lot of creative locations for the litter box so Ty can’t get to it. But recently we decided to keep the litter box in the bathroom. We have a double sized vanity with one sink, so the other side has a nice opening for a trash can, laundry basket or in our case, kitty litter box.
So last weekend I created a gate using outdoor lattice. When I went into Home Depot, I was planning on purchasing wood lattice. To my luck, they sell vinyl with framing trim that’s easy to cut to size! Plus, the vinyl was easy to roll and pack into my car. Putting the gate together was pretty easy, as you can see it’s not too complicated.
Once we put it in place, we were worried the cat wouldn’t like the gate or worse, would not fit through the opening. Luckily, the cat slips through the opening like it’s her special door and the litter box is getting plenty of use!
Dish Washer
Last month we bought a new dishwasher. It’s working pretty well and we’re pretty happy with it, but it does have one engineering flaw. I’m going to wait till we’ve had the dishwasher for 2 full months before giving it a complete review, but expect a blog post in the near future on the subject.
One Response
You did a really nice job with your computer desk! The home improvement at our home and I guess that in our neighbourhoods in Toronto is a neverending story. As soon as a home design show is organized the people go crazy about to implement innovative things at home. I`m currently looking for some extraordinary ideas and I`ve found your kitty litter gate very interesting.