I have updated my Ohio Route 1 web page.

The state of Ohio has many state marked roads. Today Ohio does not have a Route 1. One day I was surfing the net and came across a web page on the Ohio Department of Transportation that has every state issued map available for download. I downloaded every year and found myself studying the original routes and how they have changed over the years.

Roads in Ohio change and the route numbers can be reissued!

One interesting fact, Ohio reuses route numbers. For example, back when the original route numbers were issued, State route 58 was a short East/West route that followed Fenn Road in Medina County. At some point it was decommissioned. The route number was later reused for as a North/South route near Amherst, OH.

What about Ohio re-issuing route 1?

Ohio has had 2 route 1’s, but route 1 has not returned since the 196-‘s. Find out what I learned studying these maps on my Ohio Route 1 web page.

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